Sunday, January 30, 2011

January oh January where art thou?!

Here we are on the eve of school, first day back at work & all.  My January plans will now have to become February plans!  This is where 2011 truly begins, this is where the year starts to speed on by...are you ready??

from my backyard in the inner suburbs of Sydney

Enjoy the last day of January!

Thank you to all the supprters of the auctions/raffles that happened last week for the flood relief efforts.
Apparently they raised a lot of money.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Auction for the Queensland Flood Relief- number 2

Second auction the same just a few different fabrics.  28 squares of 6.5 inches square.  Please bid on this post & help the Queenslanders.


Auction for the Queensland Flood Relief- number 1

I was wondering what I could auction to help raise funds- no way i was going to finish any of my projects in time- but then I thought what about a bit of rare & sought after fabric- maybe somebody might want that.  So I got to work cutting out squares of Flea Market Fancy & some Japanese fabric including the Sevenberry florals that coordinate so well with the FMF.

Auction 1 is 28 squares of fabric as pictured below.  They are 6.5 inches square. 
Happy to post anywhere.  As in the other Make it Perfect auctions please leave a bid in the comments for this post.  The highest bidder at closing will then pay the Queensland Flood Relief fund directly & let me know the receipt number.


Next auction coming up- it's pretty similiar!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Flood relief for Queensland


Please click on the above to support the people affected by these shocking events.   I will have an auction happening here soon so please come back then.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sweet Japanese Treats

Gift To Suzuko Progress, originally uploaded by badskirt - amy.

Can you work out what the above says?!
It may be evident that I am partial to a bit of Japanese fabric...not necessarily the traditional Japanese fabric...but the quaint, eclectic Japanese designer fabric.
When Ayumi of Pink Penguin decided to create a gift for Suzuko to present to her whilst she is in Japan, I was in like Flynn. I have developed a love of her fabric over the past year or more & thanks to some friends and some late night Etsy searching have a nice (little) stash.  There are about 18 people from maybe 8 countries contributing to this gift.  Wow!  Suzuko designs some great fabric that deserves much appreciation. 

The idea was that each person contributing did a different letter.  Mine was a U.  Can you tell?!

The back is made of the fantastic button card fabric with a little patch from some Kokka fabric.

BTW it says we heart suzuko koseki

Another treat of very recent times is the opening of baby Calico & Ivy in Balmain.  It is a beautiful shop with lots of beautiful creative things including some delicious Japanese fabric.  I went for a look the other day with Amy badskirt  (I'm thinking her skirts must be pretty good these days though!!)

Of course a little bit came home with me!
It is a beautiful place & certainly worth the visit for inspiration alone- but I dare you not to leave without something.  It has yarn as well.  Mmm yes...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sew it Together 2011

Yes 2011 has crept up & is here.  Before it gets too far under way lets revisit Sew it Together 2010.  This was one amazing event organized by one very capable lady Chaletgirl  aka Sheridan.  After the success of 2010 she is on the extraordinary organising trail again in 2011.  I have yet to learn how to put a button on my blog (a goal for this year perhaps!) but I have popped this years SIT blog over there > in the sidebar.  Pop over there to learn about all the exciting events & sponsors planned for this year.
Important details;
SIT 2011 is on in SYDNEY the weekend of MARCH 26th & 27th.  It is for crafty bloggers.  It will be fun.