Friday, January 22, 2010

Beehive Rocket quilt

the Beehive space quilt
Originally uploaded by beeware70

Not the best photo...pity about the camera strap. I was lucky enough to be the recipient for October's blocks for The Beehive. I decided that a stack of fabrics I mostly had collected previously and were destined for a quilt for my 6 year old son should actually be cut up! Revolutionary really! Especially a good idea before he turns 16!

Really he is still 6 and I hope this quilt is finished by his 7th birthday!! It is based on the Retrostarbust in the Material Obsession 1 book and uses some great Prints Charming fabric amongst others. One of the benefits of living in Sydney's inner west! The clever Beehivers sewed up the BIG blocks for this quilt. It is very vibrant.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

circle of geese

circle of geese
Originally uploaded by beeware70

One creative thing that i have been doing lately is being part of the Beehive which is a quilting bee through flickr organised by the industrious Chaletgirl.
This is the most recent block I have done which is a circle of geese! How about that?! It has been my only attempt at foundation piecing. Kind of cool really. Sparklygreenknickers was the instigator of this task. What a good idea and I really enjoyed the challenge.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Somewhere to start..... we are in 2010. I've decided after some consideration, lots of reading and being blown away with inspiration to start a blog. I'm not really sure what this blog will be --- no doubt it will evolve with time.

I'd like it to be a blog primarily dedicated to creative pursuits. Mind you I'm not sure of my computer capabilities so even posting photos may be a problem altho I do manage to put photos on Flickr. Well we'll see! It would be great to have a bit of a diary for these things in any case. we go!!!!!